Serving our city
"When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices"
"Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted"
(Proverbs 11: 10a, 11a)
"Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted"
(Proverbs 11: 10a, 11a)
The Mission and Evangelism Committee has decided to lead the church in service to our community as well as our members with our “Serving Saturday.” On the third Saturday of every month we will get together as a group and complete a service project which the Mission and Evangelism Team has planned to serve some needy person or situation in our community. Events will change each month according to the project being chosen for each given month.
We would like to encourage everyone in the church to participate, so we will host a variety of events. These projects will range from tasks such as cleaning flower beds at Bethlehem House, stocking the pantry at the Conway Ministry Center, and attending a Gala for Life Choices. In addition, a needs box is located in the hallway and church members are encouraged to let the Mission and Evangelism Team know what needs they have so that we can help meet them. Please consider joining us in this effort as we try to reach out to our community to share the love and mercy of our Lord.
We would like to encourage everyone in the church to participate, so we will host a variety of events. These projects will range from tasks such as cleaning flower beds at Bethlehem House, stocking the pantry at the Conway Ministry Center, and attending a Gala for Life Choices. In addition, a needs box is located in the hallway and church members are encouraged to let the Mission and Evangelism Team know what needs they have so that we can help meet them. Please consider joining us in this effort as we try to reach out to our community to share the love and mercy of our Lord.
Serving our World
"and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
(Acts 1:8)
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
(Acts 1:8)
David & Lyndsay Baruch: Grace Presbyterian is currently supporting David and Lyndsay Baruch, who are missionaries/church-planters in St. Louis. They are gathering new people, many who don't self-identity as Christian, into their home regularly for conversations, community, and Bible studies. Lyndsay and David are both ordained pastors in our denomination, ECO, and are members of our presbytery, Mid-America Presbytery. Please contact our office if you would like to know more about them or support them directly.